licencia FAA

Condiciones previas que deben cumplirse antes del inicio de cualquier clase a distancia o presencial:
  • Solicitud de formación (edad mínima de 20 años)
  • CV actualizado
  • Certificado válido de dominio del idioma OACI nivel 4 (inglés) o licencia de piloto con endoso si corresponde
  • Confirmación/verificación de medicina laboral emitida por lo menos por un médico de cabecera Titulares de licencia de piloto, su respectivo certificado médico de piloto requerido (válido >45 días al inicio del entrenamiento
  • Copia del pasaporte o documento de identidad válido (cuando sea necesario)
  • Historial de antecedentes penales/policiales debe estar libre y sin entradas significativas,
  • Licencia de conducir NO revocada ni suspendida
  • Verificación de conocimientos suficientes en Matemáticas, Física, Inglés o equivalente
  • Otras cualificaciones/niveles que sean aceptables en dichas áreas, p. ej. entrenamiento militar, Bachillerato, secundaria Admisión-matriculación en la escuela secundaria, (Abitur)
  • Nivel educativo mínimo de “diploma de escuela secundaria”
    10 años de escuela o más y diploma de pasantías.
Extent of the theoretical lessons as per ICAO Doc.7192 D-3 ff
  • ICAO DOC 7192 D-3, item is asking to cover the various backgrounds of trainees, while it is recommended that training will be divided into two phases as follows:
  • Phase one consists of basic knowledge; its completion ensures that a trainee has the necessary background to proceed with phase two of the training. The training
  • syllabus covered in Chapters 3 to 15 needs to be covered during this phase
  • basic theoretical knowledge introduction (incl. Testing with a PASS grade of 75% or
    more) of all before mentioned legal Law requirements
  • Phase two consists of applied practical training and route experience. A training syllabus for this phase is detailed in Chapter 16 and guidance on training duration is
  • provided in Table 1-1 below
  • practical training OJT (from 13 weeks up to 4 month) and certain Route flying
    experience, (can be conducted also in any FFS-LOFT scenario-of at least 4 hours
    duration) as per chapter 16 – ICAO Doc. 7192 D-3
  • Route and Area of Operation training, at least 1 week practical familiarization
Extent of the theoretical lessons as per ICAO Doc.7192 D-3 ff

The extent of the class room lessons according to all legal requirements (detailed lists are mentioned above) consists of at least the below detailed table (item 3.2; ICAO table 1-1) for GAS – BAFS ATO.

The theoretical lessons comply with the headlines of the subjects (see below item 3.2; ICAO table 1-1) and the below listed specifications.

As reference and additional more detailed GM & AMC the EASA part FCL will be utilized as far as applicable and whenever the ICAO Doc. 7192 left items uncovered.

The reference numbers refer to the syllabus for the theoretical lessons according appendix 1 to EASA part FCL515 (b) and the associated AMC1 (ATPL theory).

The syllabus content specifies in general the topics to deal with. The interim as well as the Final test should cover all subjects and chapters, independent from the meaning for a special other requested training as per the ICAO Doc. 7192 D-3.

e.g. Syllabus
Part D-3. Flight Operations Officers/Flight Dispatchers
Chapter 3. Civil Air Law and Regulations Rights of commercial flight over the territories of Contracting States