Type Rating Course C-525 (s) differences
Requirments for the
– Type Rating Difference Training Course
– Cessna Citation Jet 525 –
– CJ, CJ1, CJ2, CJ3, CJ1+, CJ2+, CJ3+, CJ4, CJ M2 (CJ1+), C-525 (serie) PIC-IR under SP-ops and or MP-ops

Approved Course as per EU- reg. 1178/2011; part FCL.710.A; FCL.745.A Class- and Type Rating List of EASA, OEM holder OEB / OSD report (latest & current version)
FCL.710 Class and type ratings — variants
(a) In order to extend his/her privileges to another variant of aircraft within one class or type rating, the pilot shall undertake differences or familiarization training. In the case of variants within a type rating, the differences or familiarization training shall include the relevant elements defined in the operational suitability data established in accordance with Part-21.
(b) If the variant has not been flown within a period of 2 years following the differences training, further differences training or a proficiency check in that variant shall be required to maintain the privileges, except for types or variants within the single-engine piston and TMG class ratings.
(c) The differences training shall be entered in the pilot’s logbook or equivalent record and signed by the instructor as appropriate.
AMC2 ORA.ATO.125 Training programme
(a) Introduction
(1) When developing the training programme for a type rating course, in addition to complying with the standards included in the operational suitability data (OSD), as established in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1702/2013 for the applicable type, the ATO should also follow any further recommendations contained therein.
(b) Variants
(1) Familiarization training: Where an aeroplane type rating also includes variants of the same aircraft type requiring familiarization training, the additional familiarization training may be included in the theoretical knowledge training of the initial type rating course. Flight training should be conducted on a single variant within the type.
(2) Differences training: Where an aeroplane type rating also includes variants of the same aircraft type for which difference training is required, the initial practical training course should be directed towards a single variant.
Additional training to operate other variants within the same type rating should be completed after successful completion of the initial type rating course. However, elements of this differences training may be undertaken at appropriate stages of the initial course, with the agreement of the competent authority.GM1 FCL.710 Class and Type rating – variants
Additional training to operate other variants within the same type rating should be completed after successful completion of the initial type rating course. However, elements of this differences training may be undertaken at appropriate stages of the initial course, with the agreement of the competent authority.GM1 FCL.710 Class and Type rating – variants
Differences and familiarization training
a) Differences training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge and training on an appropriate training device or aircraft.
b) familiarization training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge
a) Differences training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge and training on an appropriate training device or aircraft.
b) familiarization training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge
Aim of the course
The objectives of differences trainings are to develop the relevant and required technical, as well as procedural competences to operate another model or variant of a specific aeroplane series. During the training all differences of the actual model or variant compared to the former flown aeroplane will be outlined as described in the training manual and checked if required.
The objectives of differences trainings are to develop the relevant and required technical, as well as procedural competences to operate another model or variant of a specific aeroplane series. During the training all differences of the actual model or variant compared to the former flown aeroplane will be outlined as described in the training manual and checked if required.

Base aeroplane CJ2 to difference aeroplane CJ2+ and vice versa
Training level: C Checking level: B Currency level: C