EASA Air Crew Operations Workshop
Nominated Person(s)-Head of Training (ATO-FTO) / Crew Training
To gain an in depth understanding of the (EU) No. 1178/2011 – part FCL – Aircrew Regulation, Part ARA, Part ORA, Part CC and Part Medical and associated EASA Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMCs) and Guidance Material (GM), as per ORA.GEN.200 (a)(1) and ORA.AOC.135 (a) requirements, Compliance- Safety Management, plus national Regulation e.g. german LBA, CAA, BAZL, DGCA, others….
3- Day course , Competent Authorities and Organizations (ATO) course content: all subjects shown above, N.A.A. Inspectors; Head of Training; Chief Flight Instructors; Chief Theoretical Knowledge Instructors, Standardization pilots; Fleet Managers; Ground OPS Manager
- a) The Basic Regulation (EC) no 2018/1139 previous 216/2008, as amended – overview and essential requirements for pilot licensing (article)
- b) The Aircrew Regulation (1178/2011) – structure, provisions, entry into force, derogations, incl CS-FSTD,
- c) Annexes Part-FCL (Flight Crew Licensing)– detailed presentation, including: associated EASA AMCs and GM; (comparison between Part-FCL and JAR-FCL 1 & 2 as far as needed)
- d) Annex VI Part-ARA (Authority Requirements for Aircrew) and associated EASA – AMCs and GM
- e) Annex VII Part-ORA (Organisation Requirements for Aircrew) and associated EASA – AMCs and GM, Management System ORA.GEN.200, Change Management, Training Operation Manuals & its contends
- f) Annex V Part-CC (Cabin Crew) as far as needed
- g) Annex IV Part-MED requirements for aircrew (except for details concerning
medical examinations) - h) Annex II Conditions for converting existing national licences and ratings for aeroplanes and helicopters, e.g LAPL (german §§ only)
- i) Annex I Part FCL Annex II Conditions for the acceptance of licences