Flight Training


Training of your Nominated Persons according to EU-regulation 965/2012, such as NPFO, NPCT, NPGO, NPCM, others on request.

Ferry Flights

Weltweite Überführungsflüge von SEP(A) MEP(A) SET(A) & others. Erfahrene Piloten in der jeweiligen Kategorie.

CRM Courses

CRM Courses for Flightdeck / Cabin and Line Trainers gem. EU-regulation 965/2012; ORO.FC.115 ff and all AMC / GM  (Crew Resource Management training), initial, recurrent, Company tailored, individuel solutions.


Compliance (Quality) Management staff Training, mainly Generel Aviation related, as per EU-regulation 965/2012, as per ORO.GEN.200 ff

Operation Manuals

Company  Operation Manuals development, constructions, modifications, as per EU-regulation 965/2012 ORO.MLR.100 ff / SPO Commercial Specialised Operations / ORO.AOC.135 ff assisting while finding and convey of suitable and qualified staff mates for certain required leading OPS Nominated Persons.

Seminare gegen Flugangst

Seminare gegen Flugangst, Seminars on how to flight your fears in Aviation. Erfahrene Phsychologen und Pädagogen sind Ihre Ausbilder, in Theorie, im Simulator, gerne auch im Flugzeug, indivduell und als Gruppe (max 6 Personen) jederzeit möglich.

Security Training

Security Training as per EU-regulation 300/2008 and 2015/1998, assisting as Compliance Manager, developing of your individual Company AOC / NCC Sec Manual.

Safety Management Training

Safety Management Training, Safety Risk Assement Training- Awareness- Safety Manual develpoment, Emergency Response Plan (ERP) development ORO.GEN.200(a) ff, Safety-Risk Performance Indicators, Safety Policy as per your individual company AOC / NCC requirements.

Zugelassene Ausbildungsorganisation

Approved Training Organisation Certificate AT.ATO.171